Google Dance


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Google Dance is the term that is used to define the major fluctuation in sites ranking in Google Search Result Pages. This type of fluctuations can be seen when Google make major changes in Site rankings.
Michael this term was used when Google changed its ranking algorithms but now a days this dance have became so common that it takes places almost at daily basis and we should rename Google dance to some thing else which occurs or is done more frequently than dance:abnormal: . Web masters were so confused after panda and penguin and some have even stopped to follow Google what ever they keep on doing with their changes. Now no body can keep up with Google dance and its better to concentrate more on Work rather dance.
In search engine optimization (SEO), Google Dance is an out-dated slang term used to describe the period of time in which Google used to rebuild its rankings, and as a result of this rebuilding, rankings of Web sites on Google's SERP may fluctuate in order during a several day period.
google dance is frequently occurring phenomenon, it's not a big deal you just need to focus on quality content will be stable rankings
In SEO, Google Dance is a past word term used to define the time period in which Google used to re-indexing its ranking, and as a result of re-indexing, rankings of Websites on Google's SERP may fluctuate in any time period. The "Google Dance" would happen anywhere up to 36 times per year, however in 2003 Google begun updating its index on a weekly basis, which all but eliminated the Google Dance.
The name “Google Dance” was in the past used to describe the period that a major index update of the Google search engine are being implemented. These major Google index update occurred on average every 36 days or 10 times per year. It was easiest to be identified by significant changes in search results, and by an updating of Google’s cache of all indexed pages. These changes would be evident from one minute to the next. But the update did not proceed as a switch from one index to another like the flip of a switch. In fact, it took several days to finish the complete update of the index.