Google crowl

Google crawl refers to the reading of the data in webpage source by their algorithms to cache and index them in search engines. The algorithms responsible for crawling or reading through the page sources are known by various names likes spiders, crawlers and bots.
The crawl process begins with a list of web addresses from past crawls and sitemaps provided by website owners. As our crawlers visit these websites, they look for links for other pages to visit. The software pays special attention to new sites, changes to existing sites and dead links.

Computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site. Google doesn't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently for our web search results. We care more about having the best possible results because in the long run that’s what’s best for users and, therefore, our business.
Google crawler is used in programs devised and used by search engines to collect data, in an automated process, all across the web for indexing.
Crawling is the procedure in which Googlebot find out new and reorganized pages that has to be added to the Google index. To fetch billions of pages on the web, huge set of computers is used. The fetching is done by the program that is known as Googlebot or spider. An algorithmic process is used by the Googlebot to regulate which website to crawl, how often to crawl, and how many web pages to fetch from each website. The initiation of the crawling process originates with the web page URLs list, which was generated from the preceding crawl processes and amplified with the sitemap information provided by the webmaster. As Googlebot visits each one of these websites it discovers links on each page and adds it to the pages to crawl list. New websites are transformed into existing websites and links that are dead links are noted and the Google index is updated. Money is not accepted by Google to crawl a website often. Google makes sure that the search side of their business is separate from the revenue making Adwords service.