Google Bowling


New member
Google Bowling is unethically trying to lower a sites rank by sending it links from the “bad neighborhood” - Kind of like yelling “Good luck with that infection!” to your buddy as you get off the school bus - there is some controversy as to if this works or is just an SEO urban myth.
The terms Google bomb and Googlewashing refer to the practice of causing a web site to rank highly in web search engine results for unrelated or off-topic search terms by linking heavily. In contrast, search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the search engine listings of web pages for relevant search terms.
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Google Bowling, also called "reverse SEO" is a technique, based on the simple fact that there is a second way of getting on top of the Google search results:- increasing your own rank -decreasing your competitor's rank. Google Bowling is an SEO technique that is capable of decreasing a competitor's rank in the Google Search Engine.