Google+ and pagerank


New member
Around the internet lately, I've been reading articles that basically say that for SEO you need a Google+ account, because Google has "Google Authorship". Google Authorship allows you to connect your identity to your content by linking your articles and posts to your Google+ account. By connecting the content you get credit if your content is high quality or popular. Apparently because of that, your website gets ranked and put in search results as a result of how you use Google+.

Does anyone have any more information on this, and how exactly Google+ plays a part in your SEO?
It is still in testing phase, basically Google will really try to integrate the social signals they can extract from Google plus into their search engine rankings because it is easier to measure social signals from Google Plus because they own it. The thing is, Google plus is deserted.
It is still in testing phase, basically Google will really try to integrate the social signals they can extract from Google plus into their search engine rankings because it is easier to measure social signals from Google Plus because they own it. The thing is, Google plus is deserted.

Thank you for the reply! Yes, I noticed that it was deserted upon creating an account on there. From what I'm seeing of it, the only people who are using it are content writers and web site developers trying to get on the good side of Google. There seems to be no genuine person-to-person social networking that you see on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and I think that's what Google was trying to go for.