Generate Revenue from calls make your weekend profitable


New member
9609155352 live access from malaysia +601678
9609155345 live access from malaysia +601678
231330440262 access from qatar 9744
231330661004 access from qatar 9744
79585387550 live access from phillipines 639080
79585388851 live access from phillipines 639080
There is no cli limit
There is no traffic limit
Payment terms : daily and weekly
payment modes : western union . moneygram , paypal
bank wire
User: test
Pass: test
skype : premium-connect
Hurry special offers also running
Bonus of 500$ for traffic over 150k minutes ina week
bonus of 1000$ for traffic over 250k minutes in a week
Also playstations ,mobile phone to be won
First of its kind offer in premium number industry bank wire