Free GDPR Extension for Magento 2 By Magesolution


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Free GDPR Extension for Magento 2 is an extension which helps e-commerce stores to comply with some of the most essential GDPR regulations.
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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in the works for a long time. Drawn up by the EU, it strengthens the data rights of EU residents and harmonises data protection law across all member states, making it identical.

It increases the potential fines organisations face for misusing data, and makes it easier for people to discover what information organisations have on them. In essence, it seeks to bring more transparency to people about what data organisations collect about them, and what those organisations use it for, as well as enabling people to prevent unnecessary data collection.


Manage the display of Cookie Restriction Mode
Change content of cookie notice message
Add validating checkbox on login form and registration form
Permanently delete customers’ accounts
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GDPR (aka General Data Protection Regulation) agreement is an EU law for privacy and citizens data protection inside the EU(or European Union) and the EEA(or European Economic Area) on May 25, 2018. It also signifies the transfer of individuals’ personal data farther the EEA & EU regions.

The General Data Protection Regulation targets fundamentally to strengthen the privacy of personal data and to provide control to citizens over their personal data. The actual reason behind this law is to simply the uniformity surroundings of individuals by merging the regulation within the European Union.