Four important indicators that affect GuGe Analytics


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  Four important indicators that affect GuGe Analytics

  SEO is definitely an essential part of your digital marketing strategy.

  Whether you‘re doing SEO activities on your own or looking for an agent, you need to know some important criteria for SEO.

  User - the number of users who visited your site at a specific time (last week, last month, or last year)。

  If the site doesn’t get a lot of traffic, then your SEO campaign isn‘t working, at least not on your expectations.

  The most popular log-in page - the site with the highest user engagement and the most important page.

  The popular login page of the survey site lets you know the best performance of those pages on the site.

  That way, you’ll be able to see what the visitor thinks the most useful information is, and which pages have the highest conversion rate.

  Conversion rate is one of the most important indicators that you should track, because it can directly reflect your website‘s success.

  Your conversion rate reflects whether your site information and interface can convince visitors that your product or service can solve their problems.

  If your conversion rate is very low, then you may need to reevaluate your web content, in order to make clear the content will be able to answer user questions, and whether to help you attract the right audience.

  Traffic introductions - provide you with a source of online visitors.

  It is important to know where the traffic is coming from, because you will be able to determine whether the investment in some areas has yielded results.

  In addition, you can also clear on Facebook social marketing activities whether to bring more visitors to service for your page, or you in Twitter posts are attracted users read your latest blog.