FB as PPC traffic source for CPA compared to Adwords, dating or other options?


New member
I've heard great things about Facebook PPC ads as a great option for targeting traffic because of their massive, engaged userbase and their high quality targeting tools. But I'd like more opinions.

Are there pitfalls? What do I need to watch out for? Is there a context when I'd want to source traffic specifically from Adwords instead of FB PPC ads?

I know it's a very general question but I'm interested in just about any opinion on the subject. Thanks.
Although Facebook traffic can be highly targetted it is not people who are actually using Facebook to search for a product/service, or to buy something, so ROI% is extremely low. It is OK for a brief campaign of something just to cheaply get a few extra hits to your site though. The major marketing guru's don't use it, that should tell you something.