Favorite browser, Firefox, Chrome Opera etc

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Do you have a preferred browser? I started with Internet explorer but found it slow so I switched to Firefox. It was great with all the plugin support but I find that I prefer Chrome now. Chrome is fast and simple. It rarely crashes on me.
I prefer Firefox, because of it's plugins. I like the ability to screenshot straight from my browser, and have plugins in it for my favourite websites. The only thing I don't like about Firefox, is how slow it can be. Chrome would be my second choice; it very fast, and that's great for when Firefox is running very slowly on my computer.
I prefer Google Chrome simply because it allows me to type what I want to Google straight into the address bar. I'm always Googleing stuff because it's my job so I find that pretty useful. Firefox isn't too bad either. Internet explorer used to take up way too much memory when I used it so I dropped it for Chrome.

I prefer Google Chrome for surfing & browsing the web.
But always prefer Firefox for SEO tasks because of extensions and add-ons that i always use in my work.
Internet Explorer by far.

Goes much faster than chrome and firefox combined.

Many people hate IE, it became a joke in the world of browsers. However this is the fastest browser for me so far. I have Chrome and Firefox installed in my PC but IE is my default browser. Respect to IE, because if it we are able to download any other browser in the first place.
I prefer Firefox. One of the biggest pluses for me is that is that you can sync it across multiple computers. I use 3 different computers so if I bookmark something on one it automatically shows up on all of them. Same thing with my history, add-ons and a few other things. Does IE or Chrome have that option?
Mozilla Firefox.
It depends on every person, I prefer Firefox due to it's reliability and the big amount of extra applications that you can add to the browser.
Google chrome. I've been using it for a while. I used to be a Firefox lover, same with Internet explorer, but times have changed for me and now Chrome is my only browser on my laptop and Safari is the only one that I use on my iPhone.
Currently I'm using Chrome. Firefox has become way too much of a memory hog, even on a fresh install with no plugins. They have been saying for years it was a result of poorly designed plugins causing memory leaks, yet Chrome has pretty much all of the same plugins and doesn't crash and hog memory like Firefox. I was using a variation of Chrome called SRWare Iron, but I had to switch back to Chrome when I was having issues with it not rendering some pages properly. Also, it didn't have automatic updates, which got to be a bother with keeping it up to date.
Chrome is by far the best web browser out there. It is faster , looks better, and has more extensions than any other. I have tried IE and firefox before, and neither comes anywhere close to the level of Google Chrome.
I love Firefox. I use the web designer plugins all the time when i am editing my websites. IE on my computer is terrible. Extremely slow and crashes all the time. That is why I switched to Firefox. I have used chrome a little just so I can see what my websites look like on it but my main browser is Firefox.
My browser recently switched from Chrome to Firefox. I don't know why though, I just wanted to try out something new. I don't think I've used IE since the stone ages. It's ad prone and it usually lags for me. I haven't tried out any of the later versions though, so that might not be completely accurate as of now.
Internet Explorer by far.

Goes much faster than chrome and firefox combined.

I am very surprised by this statement. I have never liked IE. Back in the day, it crashed just about every hour.

My favorite browser is Firefox. I have been using it for a long time and I love the plugins. I do have Chrome installed on my computer. It's fast, but I worry about being tracked.
I am very surprised by this statement. I have never liked IE. Back in the day, it crashed just about every hour.

My favorite browser is Firefox. I have been using it for a long time and I love the plugins. I do have Chrome installed on my computer. It's fast, but I worry about being tracked.

Well, actually Internet Explorer 10 is a great browser. But I would prefer sticking to my Google Chrome where I have all my bookmarks & plug-ins stored in the cloud. It's also more secure and user-friendly in my opinion.
I'm also a firefox fan for several reasons.

- Lots of plugins including liveheaders.
- More security of personal data since Google isn't recording my every url visited.

There are other reasons as well but those are two of the main factors that keep me with Firefox.
Chrome is my favorite browser at the moment. It has a simplistic user interface which I like, it's very easy to customize and disable your plugins or add-ons in chrome, and very easy to navigate around. It's a very responsive browser, and it has got to be my favorite so far.
My favorite browser is Google chrome. I like its extensions and browsing experience. I use firefox ocassionally as I find it easy to use in slow network conditions.
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