
Making friends on Facebook is a great way to increase your reach. You have to take a little precaution while adding people to your friend list. Check their profile before you add them you will get a better idea of what they are. Also, you can customize your privacy setting according to your needs. Remember at times, some people who appear genuine may turn out to be counterfeit so a little bit of care and precaution will avoid future hassles.
Making friends on Facebook is a great way to increase your reach. You have to take a little precaution while adding people to your friend list. Check their profile before you add them you will get a better idea of what they are. Also, you can customize your privacy setting according to your needs. Remember at times, some people who appear genuine may turn out to be counterfeit so a little bit of care and precaution will avoid future hassles.

thanks pro
Making friends on Facebook is a great way to increase your reach. You have to take a little precaution while adding people to your friend list. Check their profile before you add them you will get a better idea of what they are. Also, you can customize your privacy setting according to your needs. Remember at times, some people who appear genuine may turn out to be counterfeit so a little bit of care and precaution will avoid future hassles.

I really like your advice.