K kilato New member Jun 7, 2014 #1 I shared my friends video on my page but none of my friends can see it. Why is that so ?
M manogua New member Feb 23, 2016 #2 Why do nor you tag your friends on your shred I think that make your friends see your share easier
J Jackyd211 New member Apr 26, 2016 #3 if you share it on your status, your friend will see it and like it. it's easy.
T timherry New member May 10, 2016 #6 in your privacy setting you set only me so your friends can't see your video Last edited: May 10, 2016
K Kimberly New member May 10, 2016 #8 Ritesh Jha said: try to put it with #tag and tag to your maximum friends Click to expand... Please forward your video to be public, your friends will see it!
Ritesh Jha said: try to put it with #tag and tag to your maximum friends Click to expand... Please forward your video to be public, your friends will see it!
A alasnguyen New member Jun 7, 2016 #9 It just happen in 2014, 2 years later, they have many things are new. as Live Stream