Facebook Purchase 400 Million $ Land


New member
As we all know Facebook is a very rich and have a huge cash at their disposal. They have recently acquired a piece of land which is located Neal Menlo Park , California for a estimated price of 400 Million dollars and no body know what their future plans are but one thing is for shore that they will also be jumping in to new business domains and may compete directory with Google and Microsoft or who know one day launch their own mobile brand or Operating system.

Lets wait , watch and see what they use this land for as it will be a huge space for office or any warehouse or what ever they will be using this piece of land.
Facebook is the richest company on face of this earth and is sitting on huge case. They can do what ever want and it should not be surprising even if they purchase property on the moon.
If its makes their service better why not. As long as they provide outstanding and good performance app then its good to go.