Facebook Promotion


New member
How to get more likes on Facebook Fan Page and get more traffic more from the site? Give me your ideas and suggestions regarding this.
You can either by some Facebook likes or choose a more tedious way - To earn 'em. I would suggest you that you go for the latter as it's more lucrative in long term.
Well, to get likes without having to buy them is nothing easy but with hard work, you can get as many as possible likes in due time. I think first thing first is to ask your friends and families to like your page.

Then, you can try to share the page on the wall of people who have the same interests as whatever the page is about.

You should also try to start interesting discussions just like they do on online discussion forums. And also make interesting and trending articles/stories just like a blog.

Note: if you are trying to use the page in favour of your website, avoid sharing too much of links at the initial stages.
Add a button to your fan page on your website, make some interesting status updates, add a unique fan page design, ask users to like it. There's a bunch of things you can do to promote your fan page.
For increase FB likes, do given below activities

1) Add FB page in Website or Blog
2) Add more and more friends in Fb and sent them request to like your page
3) Take of help of other social networking sites to increase likes ( LinkedIn, Twitter, Googleplus etc)
4) Post Regular basis of your Fb page related to your business services and share with other.
Promote it in various ways
1) Add a "Like us on Facebook" option on your blog or website.
2) Try hosting a giveaway if you're really desperate.
3) Make helpful posts daily so people will return to your fan page.
4) Ask your current fans to share with their friends.
Add a button to your fan page on your website, make some interesting status updates, add a unique fan page design, ask users to like it. There's a bunch of things you can do to promote your fan page.
Yes, I have noticed that having a Facebook fan page in the top right side of my blog has helped me get more Facebook followers and likes.