Facebook for list building? Come learn and contribute


New member
"The money's in the list" I'm sure you've heard that one before, and it's true. List building can be difficult though, or at least it used to be until Facebook fan pages came along.

If you haven't thought about list building using Facebook then it's possible I'm gonna blow your mind within the next 60 seconds with my newly tested idea on how to use Facebook to build yourself a list. I'm going to be very brief because I trust you have initiative about you to understand/improve on the idea. It's a simple blueprint, here goes.

1- Pick a Niche

2- Get some PLR ebooks related to the niche (use google to find these)

3- Find a Facebook fan page on the niche( the fan page has to have a decent number of likes)

4- Tell the owner you have some good VALUABLE info for their subscribers

5- Give VALUE on the fan page, make valuable contributions, help out when you can to enhance your reputation in the Niche on the fan page

6- After enhancing your reputation the chances of people clicking your links will go through the roof

7- Take advantage of your reputation as an expert in niche by offering people a free book related to the niche,for a small price (their email address of course!). You'll need to make a squeeze page(inase you're a total newbie and was wondering how the heck you get their emails)

8- Once you have their email addresses, GIVE THEM MORE VALUE.

9- Once you gain their trust you can start putting affiliate links in your emails and that's when the big bucks will start coming in!

This is very basic of course, also you don't have to do step 1-7. Put your own spin on it, test it out to see what works for you.

Anyone else got some good ideas on making use of Facebook? Let me know.
Tool For Facebook List Building

Nice small list of steps for Facebook List building but i want to know that can we automate fully or at least partially this task of List building to save some time. Please tell me how you thing it can be possible.
I'm not sure if it will work though peopledon't give away their emails even if you offer free these days. They can just google whaever you are offering and get it there if available. but it sure can be improved by anyone with skills. If you can think of something else out of the box, this guide can be great. I'm sure those fan s already are targetted audience so you might just post your thing on the wall of the fan page and hope everyone sees it.
Nice small list of steps for Facebook List building but i want to know that can we automate fully or at least partially this task of List building to save some time. Please tell me how you thing it can be possible.

I'm not sure how you can automate this process, it' not exactly the longest process ever. Maybe you can try and outsource to Fiverr? you're better off doing it yourself though since it can be fully automated once you get their email addresses.
Thanks for the great post, I'm just going to emphasize the point you made at number 8 - "Once you have their email addresses, GIVE THEM MORE VALUE." I can't stress how important this is if you wish to really be effective in your efforts. Also, your final point is one so many beginners fail to understand, the concept of being 'subtle' and patient instead of "Hi, here's an affiliate link, click it?". You're much more likely to succeed if you are established and trusted.