Engage Player - Golden Video Creator


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Engage Player Review: Overview
Engage Player software is created and developed by Sam Bakker, Keith Gosnell, Ruggero Sandri-Boriani.
Launch Date: 2016-03-06
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Price: $47-$197
All people know that the video is becoming an important part of our life. The videos appear everywhere on the street. It is on TV, or on the Internet. Why is it important so? The reason is that the video brings the advantages for people. It helps people entertain, get information, promote products and boost fame… Thereby, it is regarded as an effective way to transfer the message and the status to a more attractive form.
Engage Player is a Video Engagement device designed to increase engagement, conversions & Optins. This powerful software is loaded with advanced features. It contains the outstanding features of a modern video creator.
Engage Player can be used on blogs, web pages, membership sites, so on.
One record shows that the viewer engagement happens within the first 10 seconds of watching a video. It's been reported that the average attention span is actually 9 seconds.
Quite frankly, this factoid isn’t helpful. Videos run the gamut from 6-second Vines to 10-minute sales videos. The longer a video drags on, the lower its retention, which is expected. But what if you could increase that engagement time by 2x - 5x even 10x?
As stated above, viewers’ attention spans are very short, so what do you do? Give them something to take action on WHILE the video is playing. That's exactly what Engage Player is designed to do.
Engage Player Function
You are having some troubles in creating a video. Your video is not attractive and lively to the viewers. It also does not meet your demands, and do not catch your audiences’ interest.
Now, you will not need to mind about these issues thanks to functions that only on modern video maker.
Outstanding functions are listed in the Engage Player Review. And you can only see the functions in a smart and modern video creator. You are going to waste time to build an attractive and specific video.
• Using Any Video:
You can use videos from YouTube, Vimeo or your own MP4 files. It does not restrict the using available video files of Engage Player.
• Video Overlay:
This function means that you can add images, text, buttons & optin forms over your videos to make it science and easy to understand.
• On Page Content Display:
You can watch your video whenever you want. This function is basic in order that the users can work easily.
• Intelligent Playback:
When you left off in the video, you can resume or start the video over thanks to this function.
• Intelligent Reveal:
You are watching a video and you must stop it for any reason. When you watch it again, you must start and find the place that you stop. It wastes your time. With Engage Player, it will help you find this place automatically.
• Drag & Drop Builder:
With Engage Player’s Drag and Drop function, you can be easy to work. All you need to do is drag what you want and drop on where you need. Quite Simple!
• Intelligent Pause:
Engage Player provides you with intelligent pause feature. You do not need to pause your video when opening other tabs. Once you open a new tab, your video would be paused automatically.
• Unlimited Engagement Players:
You do not create one or two engagement players. You are restricted to creating engagement players.
• Intro & Outro Videos:
Intro and Outro are necessary with each video. If you don’t know how to make them, Engage Player can help you. It is quite easy and quick.
• Email Integrations:
The Engage Player integrates with 10 Email Autoresponder services. And you can respond your audiences easily when they comment on your video.
• Content Animation:
Content Animation always makes audience exciting when watching. It makes your video more attractive.

See more: Engage Player Review - Golden Video Creator