Enable your Magento Customers to Buy Products in Installments


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A great value addition to an online store is to allow its visitors to buy products in installments. Many visitors may be interested in a particular product but can't afford to pay the total amount due to their low purchasing power. Enabling them to buy in installments increase their trust and make them returning visitors to your store. You can add this functionality to your Magento store with Magento partial payment extension. Using this extension, your Magento customers can pay a fixed amount or certain percentage of the total product price initially as down payment and proceed with the product having to pay the remaining amount in installments.

Magento partial payment extension allows store owners to configure the amount of down payment, number of installments, and installment amount from the back end. They can configure installment plans either for specific products or for the entire store. They also have the option to set layaway and installment plans either per product or per order. Customers can view all the details regarding their installments from "My Account" section. They can view their order history, number of installments paid, installments remaining, layaway payment, last date to clear installments etc.