Duplicate Content

Unique content ultimately engages visitors and convinces them to purchase a product or return to the site. However, it is not just well written content that attracts visitors. Naturally, the quality of it is of chief importance, but so too is its uniqueness. You should try paidforumposting.com services. I am sure they will suit your needs.
It it quiet possible that your website rankings may get hampered for the content farming activity. Although there is no proper writeup which can define how much it can affect the website but it is for sure considered how the links are pointing towards website.
It may affect your website ranking because according to google duplicate content is not good for your site. So, i think it is better to use unique content instead of copied.
Google's policy can't be abolished as it is one which every developer and SEO expert have to follow prior designing a website for a newly started online business. This is the reason why duplicacy has not been permited by Google in any of its field. Google removes duplicate contents immediatedly or it regarded as spam instantly. That's why backlinks are called as low quality backlinks and it only lowers the popularity of an online business drastically. So, remember that duplicacy is strictly probhibited by Google and it should be followed strictly.
Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar. Mostly, this is not deceptive in origin. Examples of non-malicious duplicate content could include:
1.Discussion forums that can generate both regular and stripped-down pages targeted at mobile devices
2.Store items shown or linked via multiple distinct URLs
3.Printer-only versions of web pages