Domain Name and SEO

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Do you think that your domain name has a major effect on SEO? How much do you think a domain name and SEO go hand-in-hand? For instance, if you wanted to name your site some cutesy name that isn't keyword-rich, would you be affected on the search engine rankings? Do you think you can still take a site to the top if it has an off-the-wall, cutesy name?
It really affects your SEO, Domain name is an important part of your website. Domain name is the first thing that is considered by Google even before Title. Choose a Domain name such that it should reflect your services, you can use the keyword. Google wants to see things happen naturally so don't worry about domain names work on the contents.
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Dude, you should check out Google's EMD update first! An excerpt from searchengineland

The EMD Update
for “Exact Match Domain” is a filter Google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names.
You can read more about this update here With that being said, using keyword rich domains is not efficient for your site's SEO anymore.
Yea, we can call it history, just like poor content is a history after Google's panda update.
I'd start with choosing a domain name that your users are likely to remember... and not balk at typing! Some of those exact match domains could get really long.
Google has attacked thinly made websites that are exact keyword match. I have a couple of sites with keyword match domains, but they didn't take a hit during the Google *correction*. Mini or micro websites with exact keyword domain match are not good for SEO. Websites with lots of content or even a blog wouldn't take a hit, but it doesn't get a bump because of it.
While Google does not rank exact match domains for thin content sites, there is a no denying the fact that having a content rich domain name can help you to rank your site better. Of course, nowadays you can't rank a site just by having the exact match domain; you need to have a solid content and SEO strategy in place to get the best out of your site. I would suggest that you choose an easy to remember domain name rather than going for long EMDs.
Domain names doesn't increase ranking like it use to be in old days, because of google crusade on Exact Match Domains.
The effect of exact match domain is now lesser than before. A poor website with EMD will no longer rank. Google is now looking for quality sites irrespective of the domain name.
Yes it has. But it's not possible to find am matching domain name anymore as their are thousands upon thousands of blogs for a niche.
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