Does Facebook Marketing Work


New member
Let me know if any one of you have been able to get at least 5% or more visitors on their website by using facebook marketing strategies. Unfortunately i never had any success with facebook and even when i hire a so called person who claimed that he will bring me a lot of visitors by using good facebook marketing strategies but nothing happened other than me losing more money on the website.

Do tell me if facebook marketing worked out for any of the website and how much visitors in percent of total were coming to your website from Facebook likes and other marketing strategies.
As a way to minimize cost in online marketing, I manage my own online presence...from my website to my other social media apps. Apart from driving traffic to my website, Facebook has also increased my sales and market because I tend to publish new products on there as well. I think it will be beneficial for you to become familiar with its tools yourself so that you can see which one will work for you...
Facebook allows you to target real people depending on area or topics, it's really good to get affiliate links and build a rapport with your customers that will keep in contact.
I get a lot of traffic from facebook, and it's more then 5%. But I spend a LOT of time marketing on Facebook, and building my likes everyday.

I agree with you, I have over 2.4K likes on my forum's Facebook page, but we only average about 3 out of a few hundred visitors per day from Facebook while each average post gets at-least 100 views within the first day something is posted on our page. I think if you market correctly, Facebook is an excellent platform but incorrect marketing as it seems I'm doing can take up a lot of your time and provide little outcome.
Facebook marketing does in fact work. Millions of users go on Facebook every day, and it's only stupid to not take advantage of that. You usually make a fan page targeted at a specific niche, advertise it to people, which is the hardest part, and then from there, you could basically advertise anything you want.
Yes now a days its working facebook is an socail networking site which the people like most to use it...
Facebook has been very successful and everyone uses it. It does not mean that it is the best marketing tool. If you overload people with adds they ignore you..
Also, facebook is rather a social media and people tend to ignore business discussions. Even though, I would categorize Facebook as the most universial portal. Well done!