Does BlueHost shared hosting support pseudo static?


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  Recently, some website owners are wondering if BlueHost shared hosting support pseudo static? In fact,no matter what the operating system of BlueHost is, Linux or Windows, both support pseudo-static.

  Generally, many website owners should have heard of “pseudo-static”, it refers that the dynamic webpage remove the dynamic webpage parameters by rewriting the URL, but there is no need to put new pages in the actual web directory. For example, when users visit some forums that built with Discuz program, they’ll see a bunch of parameters that contains “?” appear in the URL of forum post ,while in some other forums, the URLs of posts are beginning with “http: // domain name / thread-xxx- 1-1.html ”, and the latter URL is a kind form of pseudo-static 。

  If the site‘s default URL is dynamic, then the advantages of pseudo-static are as follows :

  1, Improve the user-friendliness of search engine, to facilitate search engine spiders to crawl pages,and it is conducive to the page rankings in the search engine ;

  2. To improve the user’s trust in the webpage (after all, the static URL address looks more concise)。

  However, search engines now can crawl dynamic URLs as normal as long as there are not many parameters in the URL. If users want to set the pseudo-static pages for websites, they may adopt different ways based on different programs, but the premise is that the hosting space support pseudo-static. BlueHost shared hosting are supporting pseudo-static , so the owner who wants to set up the pseudo-static can purchase safely.