Do You Use Google+?


New member
Do you use Google+? Have you been using it a lot, or are you just getting started out? I am thinking that Google+ can help a lot with SEO, but I'm just wondering if anyone actually has any experience in using it for this purpose.
Google+ has been the only social networking site that's really helped my website grow in traffic. I've added as many people as I can find in my niche by looking throughout google plus communities that are related or similar to my niche, and I've made a google plus community targeting my niche directly with a link to my website. People searching for keywords related to my niche in google+ find my community and typically add me to their google+ circles when they join the group, which only increases the amount of people that will see my pages rank higher in their personalized google SERPs. I've attempted to grow a following on twitter and facebook with very little results, but google plus has helped significantly with driving traffic to my site. Now all I have to do is post a link to a new article to "public" in google+ and over a thousand people that are targeted traffic for my niche will be exposed to the link. To put it in simple terms: I Highly recommend using google plus for all webmasters.
I find it easier to get more people to follow you and also interact with you on G+ then on Facebook. G+ doesn't keep certain posts from displaying to people like Facebook seemed to start doing. I like that my Google+ profile and also my pages come up in Google searches along with my websites. I definitely like it better then any of the other social media sites besides Pinterest.

There is a lot more you can do with Google+ too that benefits your business.
Google+ has been the only social networking site that's really helped my website grow in traffic. I've added as many people as I can find in my niche by looking throughout google plus communities that are related or similar to my niche, and I've made a google plus community targeting my niche directly with a link to my website. People searching for keywords related to my niche in google+ find my community and typically add me to their google+ circles when they join the group, which only increases the amount of people that will see my pages rank higher in their personalized google SERPs. I've attempted to grow a following on twitter and facebook with very little results, but google plus has helped significantly with driving traffic to my site. Now all I have to do is post a link to a new article to "public" in google+ and over a thousand people that are targeted traffic for my niche will be exposed to the link. To put it in simple terms: I Highly recommend using google plus for all webmasters.

Wow, I am glad to hear that you have had so much success with Google+ for marketing. I like the idea of using Google+ for marketing as well, and it does look very nice in the search engine results as well. :)
I didn't really use G+ for the longest time, but then I put a little effort into it, and found I really liked it. I recently dropped my Facebook account as I'd become tired of all the banal trivia there, but with G+ I see much more stuff that's actually interesting with their Circles system.
I'm not using Google+. I haven't took the time to figure out. I'm using both Twitter and Facebook, and I'm receiving some traffic from those sites. I'm going to check out Google+ after reading the positive responses from users in this thread.
I do have an account too but I don't find it useful even for just having backlinks. I believe I have around 21 followers, they do have their own thing to spam the network but I also notice no discussions in their posts and so I decided not to use them.
I do have an account too but I don't find it useful even for just having backlinks. I believe I have around 21 followers, they do have their own thing to spam the network but I also notice no discussions in their posts and so I decided not to use them.

It will take a little bit of time to get people following. Are you talking about your personal profile or about a business page? I get a few people a day adding me on G+ and I notice that if you add the right people, you will get interaction with them. I have a few people that are always posting funny things and end up getting close to 50 comments or sometimes more in their posts. By interacting with them, I get more and more people adding me to their circles.
I have used Google+, it is an easy way to connect with people who use it. Not only will you get a Google+ page, you will get more exposure on a social networking site.
Yes I am using Google+ and got some traffic from this social networking site and This will give you good exposure for your site..
I am using it, its really a great social networking platform. I am really enjoying it still now. As well as doing my smo work there? does any one have account on G+?
I am using Google + for Social Networking with my friends and also to promote my business.
I have shared my product images on Google + and also has tag business location on it.