Do you pay for SEO?


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Do you do most of your SEO or do you pay others to do it? I do not just mean off site SEO (links, etc..) but on page SEO, like making sure your meta tags, and headings are in order and ensuring the best speed for users and search engines. I do a lot of mine, but sometimes I wish I had an expert look over my site to see where I could do better and where I have made mistakes. I know most webmasters do their own SEO, and the fact SEO is not a perfect science makes it more daunting some times. I think it would be a relief to just hand it over to some one that is a proven SEO master and take the stress off myself. But that goes against my cheapness.
Paying for SEO is not a wise thing to pay for SEO because most of the SEO companies hire content writers who have no knowledge of the domain for which they are writing articles. Moreover the link building they do is usually not related and they post completely irrelevant link building which can actually harm your website rankings than doing any good. We have tried a few Companies in the past and therefore can say with complete confidence that there will only be very few SEO companies who know what they are doing. For most of them its just fun and they try bad things on their clients websites and no body can guarantee you any good results because at the end of the day they would say that Google changing its way they rank their website and its not their fault. So do not pay for SEO and try to do it your self as this is far better option.
I do all my own SEO as I wouldn't trust anyone else to do it as you have no idea what techniques they are using. A lot of companies that outsourced SEO got stung with the last few Google updates, so do it yourself, it is not difficult.
I only payed a few times on SEOclerk for it but thats about it and yeah I hired some guy from IHost4You Best Free and Paid Hosting to help me out with seo but that's about it.

I've tried hiring people from SEOClerks as well, and it has usually worked relatively well (as long as you choose someone who is reputable. I tend to choose sellers with a lot of reviews so I know what to expect)

For the most part though, I tend to do my own SEO. I find it's best for me to do it myself because no one knows my website and what it's about better than I do.
I think the days of meticulously polishing meta tags and headings are over. I've even heard many talk about Google penalties for sites with over polished SEO- taking it as a sign of traffic baiting instead of quality content. As many have said, create quality content that is well focused around a theme. Gain organic links and the search engines will love your site.
I guess I mean more onsite SEO and not off site. Offsite SEO is pretty much dead, but making sure your site is evolving with Google's algorithm will always be a challenge.
Do you do most of your SEO or do you pay others to do it? I do not just mean off site SEO (links, etc..) but on page SEO, like making sure your meta tags, and headings are in order and ensuring the best speed for users and search engines. I do a lot of mine, but sometimes I wish I had an expert look over my site to see where I could do better and where I have made mistakes. I know most webmasters do their own SEO, and the fact SEO is not a perfect science makes it more daunting some times. I think it would be a relief to just hand it over to some one that is a proven SEO master and take the stress off myself. But that goes against my cheapness.
I am an experienced SEO practitioner, not an expert though, and so I do all the SEO related tasks myself. I have acquired this SEO experience over the last 4 to 5 years, and so I know which SEO techniques work better.

Although I do the SEO related tasks myself, I have some very good SEO expert friends whom I consult on various aspect of my SEO related needs.
I don't pay for SEO. SEO isn't very hard, but it is time consuming. I think every webmaster should be familiar with the basics of SEO even if he or she is going to outsource it. With that knowledge, you will be able to hire a competent SEO professional.
I had joined site build it a while back. Then for a few reasons I had to leave. I learned a lot about SEO during my time there. I went out on my own and bought a domain not with site build it but with weebly. I applied what I learned there and it has worked so far, thankfully. I know I have more to learn and I am learning as I go. Its truly been so much fun. I have only had my site 10 months and its doing pretty good so far. I have considered hiring someone to help me with SEO but so far I have each time I thought I would, just simply backed away. I have done this because I see it this way. I am doing my site as a learning tool and for fun. I am making some money off of it now but its not a make me or it will break me site. So if I hire someone to do it for me how will I learn. So I have so far just done it myself but I do read about it from more experienced SEO'ers and gain knowledge as well.
No, I already know how to do all the on-site optimization myself, so I don't bother hiring someone to do it for me. You can really find all the information you need online, no need to pay someone to repeat this all back to you. Besides, there may be things that an SEO person might be recommending that you might not be able to incorporate into your site for whatever reason, so you are paying for advice you can't really use.

However, I would pay for someone to write content for my site. I know what type of content I need but I don't really like to write at all.
Yes, I pay for off-site SEO services. They basically all have the tools, url lists, and experience I clearly lack. All I have to do is take of my on-page SEO, and I pay people to take care of my off-site SEO.
The time I pay for SEO is when I get to hire someone in some mini job sites like Seoclerks, most of the services are cheaper unlike when you hire someone in monthly basis. I usually get to ask people to write articles for me or simply just buy some guest posts services, it like posting my articles to a blog related to mine for less than $10.
SEO is not a tough job: Time consuming it is, Still it could be learnt with time and effort: Who knows your website better than you? if you have meticulous planning and knowledge , SEO is more than easy for you

If you want to spend time on potential clients rather than the SEO writing, its better to hire the SEO experts with good reputation, who have clientele in the same industry as yours and who educate you and warn you of pros and cons