Do you link your Facebook with your blog?


New member
When I build a new wordpress blog, I use a plugin that updates my Facebook with my newest articles/pictures. Do you incorportate your websites with Facebook for the traffic or do you rely on search engines?
I used to link up my Facebook, Twitter, and Email accountants icons on the footer of the webpages, but I find 2 of them useless. :)
I have a plugin that updates Facebook and Twitter. There are other networks available but I don't normally use those, so I left them out. Yes, those updates do bring in traffic. I have a plugin which tells me where the visitors are referred from and there are some who come from the post on my Facebook page.

I too, have a plugin that updates Facebook and Twitter automatically as I post messages on my blog. I also have a plugin that gets updated on my blog whenever new friends are added to my Facebook or Twitter account. This allows my users from both sites to be aware of my blog - I find that this drives traffic to my website.
I too, have a plugin that updates Facebook and Twitter automatically as I post messages on my blog. I also have a plugin that gets updated on my blog whenever new friends are added to my Facebook or Twitter account. This allows my users from both sites to be aware of my blog - I find that this drives traffic to my website.

That's good. Have you tried IFTTT? It stands for IF This Then That. It works somewhat like the progamming code which goes if...then..else. First you choose an event to trigger off the thing, which leads to an action. Like, say, someone follows you on Twitter. That's the event which trigger off an action like, say, posting a tweet saying thank you. I have used it for some time. You should give it a try, too. It's free, of course.
I do link and share my articles on Twitter and Facebook whenever I make new ones. However I don't bother much with plug-ins and automation anymore since I generally don't really update all that much. I just share them manually when I post a new article and it really doesn't take that much time anyway. Usually it's more the maintenance of the social sites, with replying to comments and such that really takes up the most time.
I have the share buttons and follow us buttons on my Wordpress blog. I have to play around with different plugins to find the right one to share things automatically tho. My Blogger blogs do post automatically to Google+, but not to Facebook. At the moment I have been manually sharing blog posts on Facebook.