Do you know really dedicated sever?

Edison Thomas

New member
I hope it is hopeful for you .I am Thomas Edison fromVPB Hosting company whose hosting service can be located anywhere in the world
1.Dedicated Server Specifications
As for the hardware specifications, the followings are what you need to take into account.
Processor:how powerful a server do you need?
For websites with CPU-intensive scripts, SQL servers, video-transcoding severs, servers used for virtualization, or specialized servers such as game or chat servers, you need fast and strong servers with multiple processors, such as dual Xeon servers.
Memory:how important is fast-loading to you?
RAM (Random Access Memory) is basically the available data storage capacity that allows a user to access any “memory” on the server. The more RAM you have installed on your server, the faster your server is going to run and the quicker your website will load. You can never have too much RAM!
Storage:does your website use massive data or small sensitive data?
You can have multiple hard drives on your dedicated server. If your website contains highly sensitive data relating to your customers or any other unique information, then you can have one hard drive as your primary one while the other hard drive serves as back-up (mirroring). If you care more about having larger storage capacity, you may opt for a Raid 2 configuration in which there is a primary hard drive with the secondary drive being used once the primary storage becomes full.
Bandwidth:how much traffic do you need?
Your server bandwidth determines how much data can be transferred from and to your website within a specific period of time (per billing cycle). For a popular website with a large number of visitors, the required bandwidth is clearly much higher. In addition, if you plan to host high quality images, streaming multimedia files on your website, or run scripts with intense database communications, you also need to have a large bandwidth capacity.As for the software specifications for your server, the first thing you need to consider is the operating system. Windows and Linux are the two main providers of server operating systems. Now, assuming that you have no restrictions on which operating systems you can use, here’s how you can figure out which one best works for you.
2.Operating System:what programming language you use to develop your website?
If you use ASP.NET or MS SQL Server, you will need to stick with a Microsoft platform, such as Windows Server. That’s because ASP is meant to be run on Windows Internet servers. However, if your website is designed using an open source stack such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, or Ruby On Rails, you will probably want a Unix/Linux server, such as CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora etc. In addition, when it comes to maintaining your server, you should discuss with the person that will be administering it to find out which one of the operating systems they are more knowledgeable about and experienced with before making a final decision on which platform to choose for your dedicated website host.
3.Dedicated Hosting Budget
It is clear that the more advanced a dedicated server you choose, the more you have to spend on it! So, you need to balance your dedicated server requirements to match with what your budget can realistically provide you.
So, here are the 7 most common service fees associated with dedicated hosting servers.
Monthly Dedicated Internet Server Fees
This is what you have to pay on a monthly basis for renting a dedicated server hardware. The price mainly ranges based on the associated hardware specifications. If the need be, you can choose to install more advanced hardware parts on your dedicated server, but subsequently the price would be higher.
Server Setup Fees
There usually is