Differentiate between on-page and off-page optimization?

On page SEO deals with aspects on your website that can be optimized for search engines. Off page SEO involves aspects on other websites on the internet that can be optimized to improve the ranking of your website on leading search engines.
On page seo is your website. You control seo of site such as keywqords meta tags seo of urls. Example would be buy domain name with paypal that is seo and web hosting paypal for more than one year search engines look at how long they are registered for.

Off page seo is using seo terms for links to your website and inner pages from other websites. You can do off page on social media and articles and blogs. You can also have other websitee and do off page seo for your site by linking back from those sites. Example would buy cheap vps kvm and use cheap wordpress hosting to set up a blog you own linking to pages on your site and you seo those pages
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On-Page SEO
Every element on your website is a factor in getting traffic from search engines, be it negative or positive. When we talked about on-page SEO, this is its description. Your tags, keywords, image captions and the words written on your website all contribute to how search engines know exactly what your business is about, what your products or services do that you have to offer, and what search terms and keywords should be sending people to your site.

Off-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO are influences that are not from your website. Many outside factors like your efforts in social media marketing, pay-per-click campaigns and backlink generation all happen outside (or off) your website. However, they have sizable impact on the search engine results. While in tradition, business owners prefer on-page SEO as means of getting traffic, off-page SEO also plays an important role in driving traffic as well.
On-page SEO,in the easiest terms refers to all the SEO techniques that can be controlled and managed on page. This includes image optimization, keyword, meta tags, title tags, pagination and even the keyword density there in. These factors describe the quality of your website and of your content, thus are an important consideration by the search engine.
Off-page SEO on the other hand are the use of various off page techniques that contribute to improving the effective back links to your website. This may include article submission, marketing campaigns, forum posting among the many others. Such backlinks assist the search engine in identifying your page popularity and thus determine your authority, ranking you in its search results.