Differences Between Real Friends And Fake Friends


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Being with friends circle is awesome. No matter whether they are good or bad? But it is the matter when they are bad. In an extreme point of one’s life, they should have the ability to identifying the difference between real and fake friends. This is because real friends are much better than others. It is very important and hard to distinguish real and fake friends for those who really want at least one true friend in their life to support your life even it is good or bad.

Spot your real and fake friends by comparing the below mention behaviors with them!

The first thing we expect from a good friend is their time for us. The friend who loves to spend their time for you and don’t feel bored (Don’t let you feel bored) when they are alone with you can be considered as good and real.
Definitely, fakes cannot make you feel so and they won’t spent time for you by saying that they are having some other work which actually not exists.

Real friends will be beside you at any situation no matter what. It doesn’t mean they will support you when you are in the wrong way. Instead, they’ll guide you to the right target. If they found that you are doing anything wrong, they’ll even scold you for that.
Fake friends also will be there with you to distract you from the right. They’ll always encourage even if you are doing wrong.

It’s the most known thing to all. Good friends will share both the happiness and sorrows if they consider you as the best friend. Not only sharing they would love to take part in all your happiness and sadness.
But bad will used to share only their happiness and they won’t bother about your sorrows.

Good friends will keep your secrets as secret. They will be the most responsible person to protect your secrets from anyone else even from their parents.
Your secret (Especially when it is negative) is like honey to the ear of bad one. They will run another month of their life by spreading this gossip to others.

Good friends will be in contact even if they are too far from you. They ask for your health and life and all the things happened in your life. Making time for someone who is not nearby can be done by only real friends. They are doing so because they really miss you.
Friends who are not in the need of your friendship and who don’t consider as their friend won’t think of you even of you are next to them.

Best friends will be a shoulder for you at your failures and disappointments to cry on, but they will remind you all about the great things you have done on and your ability to do still great things in your life. They can also give their hands to lift you up but not only the shoulders to cry.
If might know how fakes will react to this. They always love to hear all your failures and disappointments to demotivate you and they’ll laugh at you by signifying your mistakes always.

Real friends feel happy for you when you achieve or discover something great in your life. And they’ll take your success as their own and share it with their friends and family.gfvhv
But the friend who doesn’t feel happy for your success won’t have the conversation about this to you and another else.

These are enough techniques to find the real and the fake. If you have any other ways to find the fake one, you can share it with us.

Origianal Source: Eblogline

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