Differences between GET and POST methods ?

Methods of Sending Information to Server Using Get and Post Method.

A web browser interacts with the servers using (HTTP) methods — GET and POST. Both methods pass the information differently and have different, as described below.

The GET Method:
Using Get method, the data is sent in a form of URL (Uniform Resource Locator) parameters that are usually strings of name and value pairs separated by ampersands (&). In general, a URL with Get data will look like this:

ex. http://www.nationkart.com/action.php?name=rahul&age=20

In Url, the bold parts (name and age) are the GET parameters and the italic parts (rahul, 20) are the value of those parameters. More parameter can be used to separate with (&).

POST Method:
Data sent through POST method will not visible in the URL and is sent to the server as a package in a separate communication with the processing script.
GET is for recovering information. It ought to have no reactions, you ought to have the capacity to ask for the same URL again and again innocuously.

POST submits information to be prepared to the recognised asset. The information is incorporated into the body of the solicitation. This may bring about the making of another asset or the upgrades of existing assets or both.