difference between static and dynamic webpages?

Developers generally create static pages with HTML, but use languages like PHP, Javascript, or Actionscript to create dynamic pages. They can also use frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Django, or Flex for dynamic pages. Dynamic languages and frameworks also have the technical capacity to create static Web page content. However, doing so creates source code that is unnecessarily complex for its purpose while being more difficult to maintain.
In static web pages the theme and content of web pages remained fixed and in dynamic web pages they changed according to run time.
Browsing and loading of static web pages are more quicker than dynamic web pages because unlike dynamic web pages they do not required the request of server.
Changing the content in static web pages is a difficult task because you have to develop and upload a new page while in dynamic web pages server application do this automatically.
Static webpages are pages where content does not change and stays the same regardless of when and where the user accessed the web page. Whereas dynamic webpages have different content each time it is viewed.
Here it is:
STATIC Webpage:
Static web pages are created by the scripting languages like HTML and JavaScript, and CSS tool, which can be downloaded at one go.
Static pages can send the exact same response to every request.
A static web page is useful for displaying the content or data that does not necessarily need to change often.
DYNAMIC Webpage:
Dynamic web pages are designed using Style components like CSS, JavaScript and HTML and the information is stored separately within a database.
Dynamic web pages help in customizing the response on the required server and to deliver the personalization based on the cookies.
Dynamic web pages are used for the designing of the online shopping websites.
Static Web pages display the exact same information whenever anyone visits it. Static Web pages do not have to be simple plain text. They can feature detailed multimedia design and even videos.
Dynamic Web pages are capable of producing different content for different visitors from the same source code file. The website can display different content based on what operating system or browser the visitor is using.