Difference between http and https?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted.
Instead of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), this website uses HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

Using HTTPS, the computers agree on a "code" between them, and then they scramble the messages using that "code" so that no one in between can read them. This keeps your information safe from hackers.
HTTP is unsecured while HTTPS is secured.

HTTP sends data over port 80 while HTTPS uses port 443.

HTTP operates at application layer, while HTTPS operates at transport layer.

No SSL certificates are required for HTTP, with HTTPS it is required that you have an SSL certificate and it is signed by a CA.

HTTP doesn’t require domain validation, whereas HTTPS requires at least domain validation and certain certificates even require legal document validation.

No encryption in HTTP, with HTTPS the data is encrypted before sending.
HTTP is Hyper Text Transfer protocol that is used in networking. Whenever basically you type a website in the browser, its is this protocol which by default listens on port 80 on the server side and helps you to see the web page on your machine.

HTTPS : This is Hypertext Transfer protocol with added security layer in place in a form on TLS/SSL. Servers and clients communicate with each other exactly same as HTTP but over a secure channel.