Difference between exit rate and bounce rate?


Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit your website on a given page and don’t visit any other pages on your site.

Exit Rate
is the percentage of visitors that leave your site from a given page based on the number of visits to that page or page-views.

Both metrics are important in web analytics and can help online marketing people glean insights from the data, but they are definitely used differently. Bounce Rate is extremely important for determining how your landing pages perform as compared to visitor expectations.

Exit Rate is more important for determining which page in a process isn’t performing up to expectations. For example, if you have mapped out scent trails on your site, and you find visitors are exiting the site on a web-page that clearly is a stepping stone to a more important page, then you should probably take a hard look at that page’s content.

start analyzing Bounce Rate and Exit Rate for key pages and processes on your site. I would begin with a focused effort, like a landing page that receives a lot of paid search traffic (for Bounce Rate) and possibly a lead generation process on the site for Exit Rate (if you have one).
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who visit your website and suddenly leave without paying interest to your landing page, while every inside page of your website has its exit rate and percentage of visitors who leave from your page suddenly is exit rate of that page.