Developing Wordpress Themes


Planning to develop about 3 themes for somebody. What the fastest and most efficient way to design a word press theme and how much time would be required to develop a quality and good looking theme for word press. I have given as estimate of 2 weeks to the client to develop 3 themes for his websites. Is it a realistic timeline or should i ask for more time to develop his wordpress theme. All of these themes need to be developed from scratch and must support the latest version of wordpress. Any suggestions from you guys.
It is definitely a time consuming job if you are developing a Wordpress theme for the first time because you need to have understanding of how wordpress works . Once you develop a few it would be much easier for you to design more themes.
If you're just learning to create Wordpress themes, and are relying on internet tutorials and tips to help you create it, you should definitely ask for more time to work on them so you have have sufficient time to play around with the knowledge you learn from the websites first, then create decent themes with that knowledge. Why is someone having you make them wordpress themes when you have no previous experience in doing so? It seems like an odd deal (but good luck with creating them, anyway!)
True, if you've never built a Wordpress theme from scratch it can be pretty time consuming. Personally I like to use the Headway Theme along with another plugin called LoopBuddy. Headway Theme isn't really a theme per se but rather a drag and drop framework for building your own custom themes. Loopbuddy is a little different, in that it allows you to easily customize the layout of the Wordpress posts themselves without having to fumble around with all of the PHP code and dealing with queries to the database.
Designing 3 WP themes will be no small task. You will definitely need to be proficient in PHP, CSS, and HTML, and you are going to need a lot of spare time on your hands, as well as some skills with Photoshop.
depends what Your client need, i always take 3 weeks for one website (cms or html/css based) or 3-5 months if i need to do a new cms for my client.
First think You need to do is to make a full theme in photoshop or whatever You use. After that You need to cut it into the pieces, and code in html/css (basicly in css) its a hard work.