Design site should choose PHP or WP

Advantages of PHP are:

1)Open source
2)Simple and very easy to learn.
3)Support for both structural programming and Object Oriented Programming. Use of variable variables $$var.

Disadvantages of PHP are:

1)Security flaws due to unknown vulnerabilities .
2)Not good to create desktop Applications
Advantages of PHP are:

1)Open source
2)Simple and very easy to learn.
3)Support for both structural programming and Object Oriented Programming. Use of variable variables $$var.

Disadvantages of PHP are:

1)Security flaws due to unknown vulnerabilities .
2)Not good to create desktop Applications

Thank you, very rewarding for me
Advantages of PHP are:

1)Open source
2)Simple and very easy to learn.
3)Support for both structural programming and Object Oriented Programming. Use of variable variables $$var.

Disadvantages of PHP are:

1)Security flaws due to unknown vulnerabilities .
2)Not good to create desktop Applications

you have documented it not ?
Advantages and disadvantages of WP

Time saving - people can generally type words faster than they can write using a pen. This means they take less time to create a document when typing
Clarity - word processors have fonts that help make the document clear or easy to read as compared to different handwriting
Synchronization - people in two different locations can create a document through synchronization. This means both can edit and add content almost simultaneously
Spell checking - word processors have automatic spell checking features that help in error elimination. They also allow for grammar correction in certain instances

Expensive - not everyone can afford a computer which is essential in using word processors
Need for powered computer - when there is a power black out, word processors cannot be used since computers require power to function
Too many options - some word processors have too many options which make them difficult to use for those who do not have experience
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Both languages have their own advantages and Disadvantages. But I would Suggest you to go for Php because it is most recognized web development language. Due to following advantages.

1. Easy to learn and Uncomplicated.
2. It offer high level of flexibility along with that it an open source & free.
3. Great number of Framework are available to use. Most popular framework is slim.
4. Easy deployment and cost effective hosting


1. Security is main concern here. Since it is an open source any one can see your source code.
2. Not suitable for large applications