Dedicated ips VS shared ips

Edison Thomas

New member
Every domain name that is a home to a website has an IP address assigned to it. An IP address is the real address of a website. Domain names were developed because it is difficult to remember long IP numbers like 154.321.033.110.*
Shared IP
A shared IP is an IP address that is used for multiple sites. A shared IP can host all sites on a web server. Because the IP address of a website is used for various sites on the server the actions of one site owner can affect everyone on the server. For example, if*an IP address is blacklisted for spamming this will blacklist mail for all sites using the shared IP address.*We work hard to prevent and to resolve these issues immediately and take corrective action against anyone who abuses the system.*You will*not*be able to install an SSL certificate if your site is on a shared IP.*Many site owners are able to host their site on a shared IP without ever being affected by another owner on the server. If mail is critical to you we recommend using a mail hosting provider that can provide a robust mail server such as Google Apps. This will also help you because if the shared IP address becomes blacklistes your email will not be affected because your mail will be hosted elsewhere.
Dedicated IP
A dedicated IP is an IP address that is assigned to one site.*Large websites or*e-commerce*sites have dedicated IP addresses that host only one domain. If a site handles payment processing directly and not through a third party such as PayPal, the site*must*use SSL and therefore will need to be on a dedicated IP address.*