DDos protected server hosting?


What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected.
Have seen Hostingwalay.pk and also Hostforweb.com web hosts offered nice server hosting plans.
Are they reliable? Any other recommendations?
I have dedicated server at NetShop ISP and must say that there are many useful feature for running any kind of web sites.
Never experienced any downtime. They have superb reputation and you will have a wonderful experience with them.
I've been using Hostnamaste.com Budget Dedicated Server for over 9 months. It has been great, server uptime is perfect.
The stability, reliability and reputation go outside the bounds in every aspect of the question.
To me the hosting experience with hostforweb.com is more personal and that extra level of service is easily worth the few extra bucks. They are far and away the best. I've gotten very quick and very good response on the few occasions I've needed support.
Highly recommend GTHost.com instant dedicated hosting - an amazing value!
They made the transition process to their servers quick easy and painless, any issues we have faced they have responded to quick as lightning.