ddos protected e-VPS hosting solutions?


Hey so I posted a week or so ago I was looking for a dedicated server in the USA with ddos protection I am now interested in finding possibly a VPS instead.
I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 4GB of RAM and at least 30GB of Space, I have a budget of $25 a month.
Any info on GTHost.com vps hosting solutions? Are they reliable?
Well, GTHost.com Ashburn vps has been a fantastic. 4 CPU, 8GB RAM, SAS/NVMe 160GB, Traffic 16TB - $20/mo.
They made the transition process to their servers quick easy and painless, any issues we have faced they have responded to quick as lightning.
Really cool experience. GTHost.com is the most reliable vps hosting service I have ever tried before.
Good support information including knowledgebase and regularly updated system status.

Got SSL certificate and IP address from them at minimal cost.
If you ask me, I like Neironvps.com virtual private servers: NVMeVPS1 at $5.95/mo - CPU 1хE5-2680, RAM 1GB, SSD 10GB, Bandwidth 1TB per Month, Locations USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland. Nice selection of included scripts, Cpanel, MySQL control panel, and many others that the high priced sites do not offer or support. Definitely a site to recommend!