customized employee training program

Silva Ludlow

New member
Can an employee training program be customized? I need something that tracks employee profiles and schedules training events, something like a database. The data goes in once and get updated as required, no need for multiple inputs of the same data.
Yes, it can be customized. There is a employee training software, check it online. There are different vendors that offer different specs. Maybe you can compare to know which suits you best. Good luck!
great! thank you. I think I found one that would meet our needs. Its not perfect, but there are a lot of areas that we can adjust of an employee training software. I think it is important, especially for training teams and organizations to have just the right tool for monitoring training programs, participants, etc. It helps us focus on facilitating an effective program rather than spending a lot of time completing admin tasks.
Indeed, in some cases it is difficult to control personnel and their work. I would like to convey once again the idea that the main problem I consider is not so much the lack of control as its excessiveness.
employees monitoring software will save a leader’s time and increase employee productivity.