Creating Your Own XML Vocabularies


New member
XML can represent virtually any kind of structured information. A coherent set of elements and attributes that addresses a particular application need is called an XML vocabulary. The elements and attributes are the "words" in the vocabulary
that enable communication of information on a certain subject. An XML vocabulary can be as simple as a single element—for example a <Task>, or can contain as many elements and attributes as you need. An example document that uses the <Task> vocabulary looks like this :

<Task Name="JDeveloper 3.1">
<Task Name="Improved XML Support">
<Task Name="Syntax-Check XML/XSL" Dev="Steve"/>
<Task Name="Color-Coded Editing" Dev="Yoshi"/>
<Task Name="Run XSQL Pages" Dev="Bret"/>
<Task Name="Improved Debugging Support">
<Task Name="Remote Debugging">
<Task Name="JServer Debugging" Dev="Jimmy"/>
<Task Name="Apache JServ Debugging" Dev="Liz"/>

One of the big attractions about working with XML is its low cost of admission. The specification is free to be used by anyone, and you only need a text editor to get started. One way to begin creating your own XML vocabulary is to simply start typing tags in a text file as they come to your mind .