Creating a "community"


New member
What are your best tips to create an interactive community? Do you just use social media, or a forum? How do you go about making sure users will talk to each other?

I think creating a community is a big part of getting Google to love you. From what I've seen Google loves comments and interaction.

Give us your tips!
In regards to your members on a forum, are you truly reading all of the comments and profiles? I realize that will take some time, but since you are the admin and you're trying to build a community, you may have to be the one that introduces everyone to each other. Make them aware of their commonalities and create some threads that they would all enjoy, post in and start talking to each other on their own.
I think for create an interactive community forum is best instead of Social Media. Through forum you get a good and interactive user who are interested to particular subject. This means the conversation between them is good and useful to others.