CPA Method


New member
Does anyone have a CPA method that is considered a tried and true? Not looking to hi jack anyone's hard work and efforts, rather trying to get a general idea of what would produce.
Usually using CPA to Content Lock a page works well. Then afterwords linking people to it via Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, or other websites. Youtube usually works for me.
Good luck!
I have a guy who's buying popunder traffic from my main site at the moment and seems to be making enough for it to be worthwhile. The main thing seems to be - as always - either total focus on conversion or taking mass traffic and a low conversion rate. He's targetting the latter with 100k+ UVs per month: even with a 1:1000 ratio, that's 100 conversions, which can't be bad!

Thankfully, I figured out how it's working for him so I can implement my own once his ad runs out at the end of the month. :p
CPA campaigns are always about ROI and conversion ratios. Figure out how you're going to get the traffic, figure out how well it's going to convert, and then do it again after you figure out how to turn a profit. CPA can be difficult, but once you get the hang of it it can be fairly decent passive income that only requires minor tweaking from time to time.