Compare Ebay vs Craigslist For Selling Furniture


New member
There is a table in my room and i need to sell it and as this will be my first time selling any thing on the internet so i want to ask that which website i should give try first . Is ebay better than Craigslist for selling furniture or is it the other way. Please guide me which of them is more suitable for selling and buying used furniture.
Ebay vs. Craigslist

Ebay is an E-commerce site and people visit here specifically to buy or sell an item or product. Ebay has charged some fees for selling here.
Craigslist is an Classified site where you post an ad for anything and it charge no fees.
In my opinion, Ebay is better one to sell out things.
I've never sold on Craigslist before, but it's full of spammers/scammers from what I've seen (Craigslist is a big target for internet marketers). I think you're better off using eBay.
It really depends on where you live. If you live in an area where many people use Craig's List, I would start there. Give a good description in your ad and provide pictures that show every detail. You can agree to meet in a neutral local depending on the size of the table. Accept cash only. You can sell something very quickly on CL.

eBay is a good place to sell used items too. Especially if CL is not a good option.
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Well why not both? You never know which service someone that would be interested in your table is using.
They are both good, I think that e-bay is just a bit more reliable, still cragslist is a good choice to put up a ad.
Hey, that wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Stupid of me to not have thought of that. Just list your item for sale on both websites, gives you more exposure!
Ebay is still the best place to sell items that you don't fancy anymore as the psychology of the people who already go into that site is already geared towards the idea of making an actual purchase. I have also found that Ebay has more hard to find items than Craigslist - thereby showing that it's got more exposure than the latter.