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Welcome to Vault, the best crypto banking system designed to revolutionize your financial experience. At Vault, we are dedicated to bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and traditional fiat currency, making your financial transactions as seamless as exchanging Euros for Dollars.

Established in 2017, Vault embarked on a mission to transform the financial world. By 2018, we launched the world's first crypto-backed payment card, setting a new benchmark in the industry. Our journey didn't stop there; we expanded our offerings to include bank checking accounts, crypto savings accounts, and a comprehensive suite of services that customers expect from a top-tier digital bank.

As the financial ecosystem evolved, so did Vault. We observed the rise of neo banks offering digital solutions that rival traditional high street banks, and we took things a step further. Vault's infrastructure not only matches these digital banks but surpasses them by integrating cryptocurrency into global banking services, providing unmatched flexibility and functionality.

Vault’s Digital Banking as a Service Platform (DigiBaas) represents our commitment to innovation. With DigiBaas, any company can transform into a crypto-friendly digital bank. Leveraging Vault’s advanced banking infrastructure, businesses can offer their clients, employees, or agents a full range of banking services under their own brand. Vault handles the complex backend operations, allowing companies to focus on their core mission.

Why navigate the complexities of digital banking on your own when Vault can handle it all for you? Our solutions are designed to save you time, reduce costs, and simplify operations. Our clients focus on finding and serving their customers, while Vault takes care of the rest.

Explore Vault today at and experience the best crypto banking system available. Join us in our mission to redefine banking, making it more accessible, efficient, and integrated with the world of cryptocurrency. Discover the innovation and reliability of Vault, where the future of finance is being created.