Can Windows 8 Phones become More Popular Than iPhone


New member
The way Microsoft is promoting its Windows 8 phones some times lead me to believe that it might some day gain enough popularity and can be more popular than its rivals iPhone and Android. Another reason that led me to think like this is the windows 8 and Windows phone seamless integration and ease of use when you are a user of Windows 8 it becomes very easier and more friendly to use Windows phone because just like Windows 8 operating system windows phone also have tiles and other similar features.

What do you think of this theory and how will Windows 8 help Windows phones to be more popular than other brands or operating systems even more popular than iPhone.
I certainly think that Windows 8 will become more popular but I can't see it taking over iPhone or Android. People who love Windows 8 might say to themselves saying that I should get a windows phone so Windows 8 can inspire people to get windows phone which as a result, could make Windows 8 catch up with iPhone and Android but again as I mentioned at the beginning, Windows won't beat them.
It's only a matter of time until a streamlined Windows phone or an equivalent technology ousts the iPhone from the market entirely. There's very little Apple actually has on tap - aesthetics and good interfaces. Those things are easier to add to other, higher-functioning platforms than good function is to add to Apple's sleek and frankly second-rate hardware. I'm looking forward to the day when mobile phones are really efficiently downscaled PCs.
For now, no.
iphone has a big fanbase that will not change for some time..
There is a big fanclub of Apple products, and they end up buying everything from them.
Windows will not surpass the iphone for some time, unless they bring some big new innovation.
Honestly, I don't see it happening. The market belongs to the iPhone and the galaxy as of right now. Maybe later down the line it can make a run for it but I don't see it becoming more popular than those two phones any time soon.
I think the Metro design in both Windows 8 as well as the Windows phone have not really caught on with the public well at all. Microsoft is already working on a revision to the UI in Windows 8 called Windows Blue or something like that. The phone itself has certainly come a long way from the old Windows based phones from a few years ago. It's a good move for them to embrace better design like that and try to get a little more stylish with it's UI as well. However, I think people are more used to the iPhone/Android style of laying out buttons for apps and widgets, and the tiles are a bit of a tough sell. My issue with them mainly is the lack of customization (visually) and having to scroll through screen after screen of oversized tiles where I can fit far more smaller icons on my Android screen.
Nope. The Microsoft Surface sales were lower than expected. I don't think Windows Mobile will be dominating over iOS devices any time soon. They also have a second competitor, Android, which is growing fairly fast.