Can anyone help me with improvement in my web site performance to increase the rating

Oliver Nicholas

New member
Since last 6 months, I have been working day in and day out to bring up my site and reach to a respective position, but I am still lacking far behind with just having 69 score on Google, it’s obviously a decent score, but improvement is must for me. I have personally my eyes set on 85 minimum, but I have already applied every possible idea on my mind to do it, I can say that I am stuck now, so please help me out with tips or suggestions on how to get my site’s score up to 85 at least.

My web site –

Here is my current score card –



The site performance is also terrific, so I am really clueless as per what’s the problem stopping me from getting above 80-85, so please help me out. Thanks in advance to all.
You don't have an XML sitemap, also your page load time almost 1 minute and it should be less than 10 seconds.

Check your site in any web tools so that you can see such error.

Im thinking also regarding your script - you should minimize using script.