bounce rate


New member
i want to know about that bounce rate, google analytics gives true information for bounce rate, please share some valuable tips ?
The percentage of people that leave a site after viewing just one page.
Yes Google analytics give correct information about the bounce rate of the site. You must try to decrease bounce rate of the website By decreasing the loading speed of the site, adding unique content to engage visitors and also give care on the design of the site.
Bounce rate is very important to determine the popularity of your website. The bounce rate should be minimum to get the maximum visitor value. Bounce rate depends on various factors including the website design and content.
People/ visitor who just come to your site and leave the site this is called bounce and the ration of this is called bounce rate. If you are thinking from the SEO point of vies than bounce rate is very important for you because through bounce rate you can determine the popularity of your site and also checks that what is the average visiting time of visitor/ people.