Bounce rate at 75%- How to Decrease it?

75% of bounce Ratio is really bad, but don't worry it is possible to solve this issue. Basically bounce ratio increases if more and more visitors exit your website in a short time or if they don't perform any activity on your website. Basically there are 2 different reasons for Bounce Ratio.

1. Unwanted Traffic
2. Poor Website Design (UE & UA)

Unwanted Traffic:

This happens more often with unwanted traffic from unintended sources. Most web masters die hard to increase traffic to their website by any means, for instance if you advertise "Live Football Match" then tons of Soccer fans will click it, but non of them will stay more than a few seconds on your business website (which has nothing to do with football).

Check the sources of traffic to your website, if you are getting traffic from unwanted (non-niche specified) traffic then consider removing any links that sends in the source traffic. You can also sort specific traffic source and check the bounce ratio of it. (refer Google analytic support for further information on this)

Poor Website:
Poor Site structure, layout or other User experience issues are among the most common reasons for Bounce ratio. A website can rank well using text content and reputation (links and social) but it takes more to achieve regular visitors and sales. To achieve this, a website should be user-friendly. Consider editing your website layout (use Google Analytic for find out where and what went wrong).

I hope this helps, if you need further info please let me know.
I chance upon this application optimizely by some past google developer that can help you to optimize your website layout. I think in on the outset, you have to know what is the issue as pointed out above; is it irrelevant traffic or poor design?
If you want to decrease your bounce rate then you have to upload content on your site. Bounce rate gets increased if the visitors come to your page and not found anything interesting, what they are looking for so without clicking any other page.
Your first stop in figuring out how to improve your bounce rate is in Google Analytics. When you sign into your Google Analytics profile for your website, you are greeted with an average bounce rate. While you want this to go down, it isn’t the one you really need to look into.