Best ways to do Content Creation

Creating a valuable and quality content is not that easy. Content creation is like an art. The more you get into it creatively, the more unique comes the result. So start with a dedicated and detailed content strategy. Portray the brand image through your content. Put relevant content that reaches to the target audience. Moreover, the important factor is the creating original content. Content curation is good, but it does not present the original thought through the content.
Content creation depends on your skills, the way you write and explore through reflective keywords. Duplicate content is the content that is being shown on the different pages locations on and off your site. This becomes a big issue when people start linking the content at different location in different versions. This comes under the poor backlinks, which is strongly recommended to avoid by the search engines. So take care of this duplicate content issue during content creation.
You can use tools for content creation like Google Drive Research Tool, Site: search, Google Webmaster Tools.