Best site for blogging tips?


New member
Which is the bet site for some blogging tips in my opinion? I would say is the best. Which one do you like?
That looks like a cool site, but I went to read an article and it took me to a page wanting for me to pay for "pro". Are the articles free to read on there?

It's not my blog man. I visit that blog occasionally. And yeah, they don't charge anyone for reading articles. Sometimes, the pop ups get annoying though.
I found a site called It's one of the best sites for some really cool tips.
I've read Quicksprout. I need to read some more, I've been sidetracked. But, even with such helpful tips, I think at a certain point, you need to pull out a few tips, make that your game plan and stick with it for a few months, so you can clearly see what works for you and your site.
I've read Quicksprout. I need to read some more, I've been sidetracked. But, even with such helpful tips, I think at a certain point, you need to pull out a few tips, make that your game plan and stick with it for a few months, so you can clearly see what works for you and your site.

I have found Quicksprout to be really helpful website in helping me embark on my blogging journey.
I usually visit Pat Flynn's SmartPassiveIncome. He offers some really useful tips and even shares his earnings. He also has this really helpful niche site duel where he and another webmaster try to outrank each other for a certain keyword. I also like
Heh, I'm getting my first tips here. :p I guess I'm going to check those out. From the name itself, SmartPassiveIncome sounds really nice. How does he share his earnings though?
Hi, Hi, I discovered this site, they accept guest posts and paid posts. Is it worth it?
Heh, I'm getting my first tips here.

I have found to be really helpful website in helping me on my blogging journey.

Manish Shah
Which is the bet site for some blogging tips in my opinion? I would say is the best. Which one do you like?

Honestly, you guys should check out Wealthy Affiliate. They offer a completely free starter account(with 2 free websites) so you can get a feel for what they have to offer, which is a lot.

They offer 24/7 LIVE chat, which is pretty sweet because it gives you the chance to connect with some pretty successful people in real-time.

They have 100s of hours (literally) of reading material, videos and webinars all to do with affiliate marketing, SEO and web-design. Definitely the best selection I've been able to find anywhere online, and it's mostly presented in an "online school" style, so it make it a lot easier to learn and succeed.

It's not a ponzi scheme, so there is no one above you, and no one below you, and they do not require one to promote them in any way.

I'm writing this simply because I believe 150% that what they offer and what they teach, is bar none.

If you're interested, I've put together a more concise review here!! Wealthy Affiliate Review 2014 - Lucrative Online

Alternatively, if you're eager, you can get started by creating your FREE account here! Wealthy Affiliate - Create FREE Account
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Thanks to share well I love Pinkisthenewblog, it's all about celebrities and the author has his own opionion that I normally agree with. It's also really funny and interesting
Which is the bet site for some blogging tips in my opinion? Which one do you like?

In reference to the thread, one of my "many" bookmarked sites that I have used in the past for tips on blogging would have to be the article:

"Writing a Good Blog" By Janine Warner -

One of the reason why I like this particular article is because it's simple, and short and sweet.

I also have gone back to read every now and then "The 12 Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Blog"

I have also read many, many, many other articles on the same subject matter that are also well written and informative, but the two I mentioned above are my favorites because of the simplicity of the article and advice and the logic of not trying to reinvent the wheel.