Best Failure of Every Woman To Avoid


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I have observed that it is common practice among all human beings including all women to give out about the women’s weakness to others. Weakness is common to both man and woman, but the even woman does not prefer to say the weakness about the man to anyone. Some women won’t feel shame share their weakness with their loved ones, unlike man. I considered this habit of every woman as the Failure of her.

As technology grows, the state of our world grows along with the success and achievement of women power. I can tell you that we all can feel proud about the women power when compared to the earlier stage. But still all girls or women got to fail in some situation of their life and in our society.

From the bottom of our heart, we have to answer of the below question!!

Is this is the society which is fit for women freedom? Are this is the society gives full freedom and equality to women? How we are treating women apart from our family members?

Hope you all got some different answers in your mind. But it might not be from the society’s point of view. Think of it from out of your mind. You can get clear answer says ‘No’. So regardless of man and woman, raise your sound for the safety of future women that is our daughters and granddaughters.

Why I have chosen the title for this blog as “Failure of Every Woman” is just I want to make you all to realize that still woman has no power in sharing their mind explicitly to this world even when they are showing their efforts through the achievements. I found women are being themselves is one of the reasons for this failures – Yes! Sacrificing their willingness for others!

Sacrificing is the great plus of all girls which follows them from their birth. But it turns into their weakness and failures too in most of the occasions.

For instance, A girl sacrifice – her loving doll to her brother at her young age, dream man for her parents, dream for her husband, Whole life for her children. Likewise, we can say many more incidents like this. These are all about good sacrificing and I don’t mean that it is not for good. But the mistake what they are doing is they doesn’t make others think about what they sacrifice for whom and what. Letting others underestimate our own power and scarification has not given any value to our efforts.

So it is important to all woman to give respect to your feelings first so that others can do that. Sacrificing their sacrifice is one of the best and worst failures ever. If women are not giving voice to their efforts then no one can. Why I am saying this is apart from women and some man others are not realizing what difficulties are women face in their life and society. So this is the correct time to teach equality and freedom of women to both the young generation of boys and girls to avoid this situation at least in future.