Benefits of you tube

It is the best video submission site which brings lots of traffic on the site. Traffic is beneficial for every site so one can share video on Youtube to fetch more and more traffic.
YouTube has a variety of benefits from a marketing standpoint and for branding purposes. Since YouTube is free, in most cases uploading a video has no monetary cost. It's true some really well developed videos may have a cost to produce it, but most videos that are uploaded cost very little in production. Another benefit is that it's a great way to make your product or service made known. If by chance your video goes viral you will get views which lends to subscribers and then may purchase or sign up for your respective services or your affiliates. Also another benefit is that the process for using and registering with YouTube is that it is really, really, simple and relatively easy to do.
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. So if you are using this platform for uploading your videos then this will really helps you to increase your website traffic as well as helps you to increase your brand awareness. And the reason behind this is people don't like content in the comparison of video. I have optimized more than 350 videos on YouTube channel.

Some of the tools which is given by YT is
1. You can use annotation on your video.
2. Embed system
3. If your product is listed on selling websites like flipkart, amazon and snapdeal then you can easily put the link of your product to YT.

For more details about videos plz visit on or Reelseo.Com one of the best video marketing websites if you are going to optimize your videos.
Video has become a huge part of our online experience. Videos are slowly dominating the web including social media. Have you noticed recently that most of the content shared on Facebook is video? Even Mark Zuckerberg says that the future of Facebook is video. Marketers are raving about it and integrating it into their online or social media strategies. Businesses are recognizing its relevance and are including videos into their websites.