Benefits of Video Marketing


New member
Video adds the “wow” factor to your online marketing
Video sets you apart from the crowd
Video puts a face to your brand
Video helps convey complex information more clearly
Video is more likely to go viral
If you have a website or facebook page, there's nothing can draw people's attention more than a sparkling video. And if that video is personalized, it's more powerful than ever! There're some kind of personalized video that you can try out there. Search for them and make your website sparkling! ;)
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A Video marketing Gateway is designed for wireless operators to improve network efficiency, reduce bandwidth consumption, and improve end-user experience and satisfaction. It is deployed as a proxy service in the operator network where it minimizes video data rates, maximizes the number of simultaneous video users, and dynamically modifies video content flow (via transrating) to suit end-users’ prevailing network conditions.